Why Do I build crazy structures in Rust?
I Have been building Large structures for a while now & as of 2025, I've been building hotels!
Back to why?
Its Fun, Everyone that runs past it, or comes to check it out are always mind blown in shock to the scale of the build!
Its great with the support from the servers, Players ask all the time, Hows the hotel coming along, Do I need any resources & help to build it!
I always build my structures solo but end up with a great team at the end.
Its so great to see when Players come up asking to be apart of the project & help build, upgrade & decorate!
Current Wipe
The current wipe is on AU - 2x Winterust Monthly
Starting: 06th March
The Hotel this wipe, I have planned for a since 25th February (todays date 10/03/25), Once I started building the foundations, Its double of the Practice build, the width is the same, but the length is over double!
I will update this website adding Photos & updates along the way, as well as a Hall of Fame for Builders who have helped make this possible.
Everyone who wants to be a part of it can always look back to this website & See what theyve built!
I'm pretty known in alot of Australian Rust server, from building my OG Maze bases, Hotels & Castles.
Including some of my biggest builds:
Vital AU 10x
= A full 9 grid base,
= A huge Castle ( I forget how big it was but I do remember it had 20 windmills on the top excluding on the towers either corner!
= A 22 grid maze under water + a 15+ grid maze zigzagging around the map
Huge flat base (Others build large defensive zerg bases, while Ill build a base the same size just 1-2 stories, if you squashed theres down & added pools & discos :)
2x Winterust Weekly
Heres Where I started building hotels & large buildings, Till I discovered the monthly, where I can build for longer with out worrying that everything's getting whipped the next day.
2x Winterust Monthly
Here the server I've been playing for the past couple on months now :)